When she was a young girl
She used to play with me
I was her best friend
We were inseparately
She used to play with me
I was her best friend
We were inseparately
We loved to ride our bikes
Playin’ hide and seek
Sneeking all the night
Dancing in the street
I look back at the time
Now i realise
She loved to play with fire
I should have seen it in her eyes
I should have seen it in her eyes
Playin’ hide and seek
Sneeking all the night
Dancing in the street
I look back at the time
Now i realise
She loved to play with fire
I should have seen it in her eyes
I should have seen it in her eyes
Deep inside, you cry cry cry
Don’t let your hopes,die die die
Deep inside, you cry cry cry
Don’t let your hopes,die die die
Don’t let your hopes,die die die
Deep inside, you cry cry cry
Don’t let your hopes,die die die
She fell in love for the first time
He was older than her
Then he made her do things
First she wouldn’t tell
She left everything behind
Couldn’t find a place
He was older than her
Then he made her do things
First she wouldn’t tell
She left everything behind
Couldn’t find a place
Running through the night
Loosing all her faith
She throws away the pain
Turning off her lies
But still he makes her see like everything’s alright
Like everything’s alright
Loosing all her faith
She throws away the pain
Turning off her lies
But still he makes her see like everything’s alright
Like everything’s alright
Deep inside, you cry cry cry
Don’t let your hopes,die die die
Deep inside, you cry cry cry
Don’t let your hopes,die die die…
Don’t let your hopes,die die die
Deep inside, you cry cry cry
Don’t let your hopes,die die die…
Oceana, a cantante é solista e anteriormente foi corista de reggae e música negra. Neste caso a canción “cry cry” pertence ós xéneros de Soul, Pop e R&B.
A estructura desta canción consiste en dúas primeiras estrofas, o estribillo(bis), un ponte(tarareando nanana), outras dúas estrofas e rematando co estribillo (bis).Os acordes que estánse a utilizar son os seguintes: VI-IV-I-V. O estribillo é pegadizo, como soe pasar nas canciones Pop.repetición dun ostinato, un esquema rítmico de forma constante.
Os instrumentos máis notables nesta interpretación son as seguintes:
- Piano
- Diferentes sons percusionísticos cun ritmo constante. ( O Ostinato)
- Unha caixa para facer eses redobles para dar a entrada ao retrouso.
- Un baixo facendo o acompañamento grave.
- Violín, marcando o que para mín, é o punto culminante no conxunto da canción (2:00)
O tempo e a dinámica sempre é o mesmo, o que vai cambiando son as entradas e as saídas dos instrumentos conforme comeza a canción e nos comezos dos estribillos. Podemos dicir que as intensidades vanse marcando pola adición ou desaparición de diferentes instrumentos.
Por último o que máis me gusta desta canción, a parte de que a voz da cantante encántame, é todo o acompañamento que se lle fai á melodía cantada, incluíndo outra distinta por detrás tocada con instrumentos da familia da corda; Tamén as partes vocais que a cantante fai como posibles improvisacións, sobre todo cara ó final.